, pub-5264095749887967, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Improving Oneself: July 2019

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How to Set and Achieve your Goals in Life

"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things."  Albert Einstein.

Around the globe it is observed that people like to do things or activities which make them happy. Doing your daily routine work i.e. personal and professional work is a part of your life. But who is the master of assigning you this work? It's no one else than you. 
So work on those things in your life which you want to, which gives you a sense of satisfaction and happiness. These things in your life are called as your 'Goals' in life. If you want to lead a satisfactory life, set your goals and work towards it.

Now let us first understand the basic concept of 'Goal Setting'.

Goal setting is the process wherein you have a specific target/thing  to achieve which is your 'goal' and Goal setting therefore would include all the steps towards achieving the target. Everyone has a goal in their life, be it a personal life goal like gaining self-confidence, improving body language or to improve oneself, a professional goal like to generate more income, acquire leadership qualities or to improve public relations, a business goal which includes setting up your own business as an entrepreneur. Further, Life goals includes a mixture of personal life goals, professional life goals along with primary goals like setting up a family, having a stable source of income and improving oneself to achieve all the desire goals ultimately.
In this article let us keep in mind our personal and professional life goals for a long term vision and understand the goal setting procedure by using a business goal as instance.

  1.  Know your Goals: This is the foremost and the most important step for setting up your goals. You need to have a clear view as to what do you want in your life or what are you looking forward to in your life. Knowing your goals also includes that you should know yourself too. Further, a human has too many goals and aims in his life. Do not overburden yourself by having multiple goals at a same time. Rank your goals according to their importance in your life and have a main goal and create sub-goals. For instance you want to set-up a small scale trading business on your own, this is your main professional life goal. You further desire to have a good property to start your business center, you want to appoint supporting staffs, you want to have amazing interiors for your center and want to undertake other luxurious activities. Can you fulfill all these goals with your business capital alone? The probable answer to this is No. So remember to have a main goal and to not have multiple goals at the same time to mess up your work, therefore create sub-goals.  
  2. Understand your Goals:  Goals are also classified as long term and short term goals. Before deciding on to your goal, remember to keep in mind its effect in short and long run in your life. For instance when you decide to set-up a small scale trading business keep in mind that its a long term process, you can't expect returns within a short span of time. Every business has a breathing period and then it flourishes to give you an average return to your invested capital. Further, if this small scale trading business is for trading seasonal things or festive stuffs it is going to have a short term effect and after a point of time it will discontinue yielding returns to you. 
  3. Research on your desire Goal: Researching about your desire goal is an essential step to set up a goal. Researching broadens your horizon for a particular goal and you tend to have a better vision for it. For instance if you decide to set-up a small scale trading business then researching on the products which are trending in market for buying-selling is a great idea and accordingly then deciding your business product.
  4. List down the pros and cons of your Goal: Understanding and accepting the pros and cons of your desire goal is very important for setting up your goal successfully. Pros and cons of your goal means the positive and negative impact of your goal in your life. Remember, all your personal life goals will definitely have a positive impact on your life therefore never stop improving yourself. 
  5. Set time limit to achieve your Goal: Remember a goal without a timeline is just a dream. Therefore always make it a point to start working on your dreams by setting up your goals and further have time limit set to achieve those goals. 
  6. Work towards your Goal: Setting up your goals is a continuous process wherein you need to work consistently towards it without any breaks. Remember nothing in life comes easy and therefore you need to put all your efforts and work to set up and achieve your goals. 

After you have succeeded in setting up your goals, it's time for the final step to Achieve It.

  1. Work consistently towards your Goal: There is no stop towards working for your goals. You start working for setting up your goals and you have to continue working consistently to achieve it and retain it to lead a successful life.
  2. Stay motivated to achieve your Goal: Constant self- motivation is a crucial point that you need to remember for achieving and retaining your goals. Encourage yourself every time and believe in your potentials to achieve your desire goal.
  3. Be determined for your Goal: Sticking by your goal is equally as important as motivating yourself for achieving the desire goal. Ups and downs are part of every journey, even the ladder has ups and down steps, so remember if you go through a down phase while achieving your goals do not give up. Stay determined for it.  

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Effective ways to Lead a Positive Life

None of these ways will cost you anything but will definitely give you lot of happiness and peace in your Life. Try it out.

  • Believe in God:
Do you know your body is only a clay structure without your soul in it? The clay structure has no life in it without the soul. And who is the maker and guardian of this clay structure and soul within it? It's the Almighty God.
Remember your belief in god is the foremost step to lead a happy and positive life. How can you not believe in the existence of god when you are existing only because of him in this world. God does exist in numerous forms around you, to take care of you and to protect you. So remember god in all your good and bad times. Thank god for the good times and ask him for mercy and help in the bad times. Do cultivate a habit to spare few minutes from your daily schedule to spend it with god. This time can be for doing anything right from reading your religious books or simply having a conversation with god. Once you make this a habit you will sense a feeling of inner peace. In this fast growing and busy world finding inner peace is a blessing and that leads to your real happiness.

  • Believe in Yourself:
Have you ever heard someone saying, "I am a bad human and I am still happy in my life' or has anyone ever told you that "I don't believe in my potentials but I am happy in life?" 
No wise human has ever quoted these lines. Believing in yourself is the next immediate step to lead a happy life after you start believing in god. You need to have your self-confidence tied with you in all the rough and tough times in your life. Don't give up on yourself only because you think life is hitting you hard, make yourself so strong like a stone that you hit back to all those problems which are giving you pain and sufferings. Remember at the end it's all about your self-confidence, self-esteem and believe in your own self. 

  • Spend Quality Time with Yourself & Be Optimistic: 
Spending quality time with yourself is an important act and you should make it a habit of doing things which makes you happy. This time should be a quality time which means you should feel relief from the worldly stress and other issues in your life. It's subjective as to what makes a person happy and what does quality time means to an individual. For those who think that they can't find answers as to what makes them happy and what does their quality time means, I can suggest you to just sit with yourself for sometime and think about all the positive things in your life. Thank god for it. Talk about your blessings with yourself rather than complaining about your burdens. This little time will lead you a step closer to your inner peace and happiness. Later, try knowing yourself more to find out the acts which makes you happy so that you start spending quality time with yourself. Remember this quality time has to get you only positive outcomes and therefore discard all the negativity when you sit to spend time with yourself.

  • Don't be Afraid of Change: 
Life isn't constant. Understand that ups and downs are part of every individual's life. So don't fear to do things only because you are afraid of change. Not every storm comes to destroy things, at times that storm comes to clear your path. The change that you are fearing may be good for you someday, just let life flow and don't hold back only because you think you can't take up changes in your life in a positive manner. God has a plan for you, trust it, live it and enjoy it. 

  • Don't Overthink: 
Your mind is the most powerful weapon of your body. If you choose to overthink then your mind is going to kill all your happiness. Overthinking has never resulted in any positive outcome. Understand, the quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life. Try every possible thing to free yourself from the act of overthinking and this will in return secure the happiness of your life and lead to positive results.

  • Don't Compare Your Life with Others & Treat People with Dignity: 
Every individual is different and everyone has a story that is not read aloud. Therefore never compare your life with others. Work for your own self and not for competing with others. Live for your own happiness and do not carry ill- feelings for others in your heart. Forgive people for their wrong-doings because god likes the person who forgives the other.Don't hold on to grudges and keep a feeling of vendetta in you, keep your heart clean from all the negativity so that you are able to live happily.  Further, opinions and criticism are a part of the life journey, so don't get influence with the positive opinions and negative criticism, do what you feel is right for your own self. These little things will cover you with positive vibes from all the corners of your life. 
Don't forget to remind yourself everyday, "I AM THE CREATOR OF MY OWN HAPPY LIFE" 

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Don't Change Yourself, Improve Yourself.

Before taking a step to Change or Improve yourself, you need to know yourself first. So how do you know yourself? 
Knowing basic things like your likes, dislikes, kind of nature is not sufficient to know yourself better.You need to know every minute detail about yourself, because even a smallest thing counts in this big world. Before deciding on to change yourself, ask yourself a small question, 'Are you that bad that the worldly opinion is influencing you to change yourself or is it that you who has decided to change?' 

If it's the case that you are changing because of others, it's time to realize that you don't love yourself enough and you are so weak as a person that you easily get influenced. Start to love yourself before doing anything else in your life. You can get a few tips for Self Love on my post:

Next, if you have yourself decided to change, then let me modify a small word for you here. You aren't CHANGING yourself, you are IMPROVING yourself. 
Remember even one word in your mind can affect your thoughts and acts. So when you think you are improving yourself it gives you a sense of positivity. On the other hand when you think you are changing yourself it has a negative sound from the inner you who is questioning you, 'Am I so bad that I need to change to fit in this world?' 
Remember never shush your inner voice, it's who you really are.

So every time you decide to improve or work on something keep telling yourself, 'I am doing this for my own self'

Here are some common situations where you can relate yourself and Improve, and not Change.
  1. The act of improving oneself arises in a situation where you think you are being treated as an outsider among other people. And what makes you think that? Only because you think people are different than you, the surrounding and the atmosphere is such that you are not able to be your own self. Such places may include educational institutions or work place. Understand it's okay if people are different there, it's fine if the atmosphere is different. These little facts do not mean that you are lacking something in you and therefore you have to change yourself. Rather than changing, decide to improve yourself, make yourself open to accept and be comfortable with the fact that every individual is different. You don't have to change to set in an environment which you don't like, instead improve yourself and learn to adjust to fit in that environment because life is all about adjustments in the required circumstances.
  2. The act of improving oneself arises when you are losing your own self because you have started disliking yourself. Only because you think others are having a good life and you aren't doing well in your life, therefore you need to change and be like them. No, you don't have to change, you only need improve yourself by having self confidence and love for yourself. Don't compare your life with others, everyone has their own story which is not read aloud.
  3. The act of improving oneself arises when you have unintentionally and unknowingly indulged in the habit of overthinking. Overthinking is one of the cause of your unhappiness. If it's in your nature to overthink, then ask yourself a question here: 'Did overthinking ever gave you any solution?' With all probability the answer here is a No. So improve yourself and avoid to overthink by having a wise and a practical approach towards the issue.
  4. The act of improving oneself arises when you are stuck in daily fights between your mind and heart, which is known as internal conflict. The mind and heart are part of your own body don't indulge in fights between them, rather decide on to chose a wise thought either from your heart or mind depending on the circumstances of the issue. You can read about handling internal conflicts in my post here:
Remember to improve yourself, not to change.
Good Luck! 

Monday, July 8, 2019


Self-Communication is an essential tool for enhancing your personality and to lead a happy and a satisfactory life.

Now let us first understand the concept of self-communication.Talking to your own self and having a verbal interaction with yourself is known as self-communication.
Self-Communication plays a vital role in your life. You know yourself better than anyone else around you. Remember you are your own tutor, guider, counselor and a friend.You are the only one person with whom you can communicate 24 hours in a day.
Interpersonal conversations are really important to have an emotional stability within you. Cultivate a habit to talk with your own self, it's not wrong to do so. In-fact, self-communication is probably the best favor you can do for your own self.
Self-communication helps to boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. If you do not have interpersonal conversations with your own mind and heart, you are tend to feel that your mood is being affected easily.Disturbed mood swings can be one of the biggest reason for your unhappy life. So act wisely and  treat your inner self as your best friend, so that you can share each and everything with yourself every moment.
Self-communication also plays a vital role for your mental health. Constantly overthinking about a certain issue and not able to communicate about it with any close person can lead to many mental health issues. Then, why do you look out or wait for someone around you to speak about your problems, you are your best consoler, therefore speak with your own self and see the results.

Here are some effective ways to start with Self-Communication:
  1. Schedule your day by keeping in mind to spare sometime with your own self either in the morning hours when you wake up or at night when your day has come to an end. Remember this time should be a quality time, which means it should exclude acts of thinking negatively and overthinking. Speak with yourself everything that happened on that particular day. Be optimistic and discuss your issues, don't get emotional too early. Act brave and remind yourself that you are a strong person and you can tackle with every situation.
  2. Meditation also helps you boost up with your self-communication skills. Meditation makes you spend some few minutes with the inner you. Soon after meditating, do have small conversation with yourself. 
  3. Don't judge yourself negatively every time after you commit a mistake. It's okay to commit mistakes, you are a human at the end. Talk with yourself and realize where did you go wrong for that mistake to happen. Promise yourself to not repeat those acts again.
  4. Don't forget to love yourself. A human always tends to share and talk about life with a person whom he/she loves. You need to learn to love yourself first,to start with self communication.
You can also read about my 'Self Love' post here:

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Self Love

Your relationship with yourself sets tone for every other relationship you have.

Self Love is one of the most important feeling that you need to have in your heart. You are going to spend your entire life with yourself, you think you can stay happily with someone who doesn't loves you?
So understand loving yourself is an essential element to have a happy life.

So how do you start loving yourself? 

Make sure you start working on these tips from now onward:
  1. Treat yourself like someone you love.
  2. Be kind to yourself.
  3. Be gentle with your thoughts. Remember how you will think about yourself, that's how you will act with yourself.
  4. Appreciate every little effort that you make for leading a happy life.
  5. Stay calm during a stormy phase of your life, pamper and console yourself at that moment because it's just a bad phase not a bad life.
  6. Spend some quality time with yourself and do activities that makes you happy.
  7. Never curse yourself for the mistakes committed by you unknowingly. Understand it's okay to make mistakes, you are a human at the end. Learn from those mistakes and come out better.
  8. Making peace with yourself will help you love yourself more. Deal with your internal conflicts gently.
  9. Keep patience with yourself, everything will happen at the right time. Don't rush to achieve your goals. Remember you are a human, not a robot.
  10. Distance yourself from the people who make you feel like you are hard to love.
  11. Be positive with your thoughts, imbibing negative vibes within you will refrain you from loving yourself.
  12. Never compare  yourself with others, work on improving yourself everyday. Be your own competitor, because comparison will loosen your self confidence and ultimately make you dislike your own self.
                    Remember,'You owe yourself the love that you so freely give it to other people'

Friday, July 5, 2019

Enhance your Personality

"Do you know that your personality plays a major role in your life stories"
"Do you know your good personality can be like cherry on the cake to achieve your desire goals."

Let's understand first what does a Personality comprises of. A personality is a set of your nature and character. For eg. you may be sweet by nature and your character will be a humble one. You may have a short tempered nature and your character will be an arrogant one. But you can't change your nature, only in rare circumstances a human succeeds in changing his/her nature. But you do hold the power to work on your character.
In life right from your childhood till the last phase of age you are going to meet many people. Those people includes your family members, relatives, neighbors, friends, educational tutors, employers, co-workers or even strangers and your behavior with them does plays a significant role to define your character.A person with an arrogant character will not be liked by many people, but a humble human will always be treated with affection.

So now it's time to sit back and work towards improving your character because it's never too late to work on your own self.
To Enhance your Personality stick by these points:
  •  Be optimistic about things around you.
  • Think before you speak, use wise words in your communications.
  • Don't strive to be a perfect human, strive to be a better person each day.
  • Learn to control your anger, don't be too harsh with yourself too.
  • Carry good manners along with you everywhere.
  • Be confident.
  • Be your own self always, never misguide people by showing them your multiple characters, be real.
  • Do not back bite about the people you dislike, just let go. Don't hold on to grudges from your enemies.
  • Be humble in your approach towards others.
  • Keep appreciating yourself, never underestimate your potentials.
  • Learn to accept that every individual is different and therefore everyone has their different opinions. Don't get indulge into arguments when points of differences are discussed. 
"It's never too late to start improving yourself, what are you waiting for?"

Thursday, July 4, 2019


"I am tired of life"
"Life is terrible"
"I want to give up on Life"

"Do you know your life is a god's gift and you shouldn't be cursing it for any big or small issue in your life"
"A human body is made of clay and mud, it is god who has given soul in this body structure. Who are you to curse or end your life?"

Life is like a journey and when you feel life is getting difficult to handle, remember that difficult roads often leads to beautiful destinations. The struggle which you are facing today is developing you to be stronger for tomorrow. So learn and gather courage from the difficult times in life rather than complaining about it. 
Life may seem to be low and dull at times, it may seem to you like setting of sun, at that moment remember to tell yourself that you won't be able to see the stars without darkness so let the sun set. Keep patience with yourself and have faith because the sun is going to rise up high again. 
Pray to god daily, remember he has written your destiny already and he knows how strong you are and he will never make you face difficulties beyond your capacity.
Remember nothing in life comes easy, learn to keep patience with yourself. Rome was not build in a day, set your goals and strive harder each day to achieve it, don't give up only because it is taking time. Patience is the real key to success.

Every Life blog gives us a new hope, encouragement and motivation to lead a happy and healthy life. Feedspot has listed down top 100 life blogs on the web, which includes my blog which you are reading right now.
Do visit the link: to view the top rated life bloggers by feedspot.
Feedspot also helps you to keep track with your favorite blogs, news sites, YouTube channels and much more.

Here are some important life lessons for you from this post✅
  • It's good to fail, because it makes you more stronger.
  • It doesn't matter what other people think, it's your life at the end.
  • Hard work always pays off, so never keep up.
  • More money doesn't make you happier, strive for peaceful earning.
  • Communication is key for a successful relationship.
  • Keep patience with yourself and faith with God.
  • You need to be flexible, Life is a journey and ups and down are part of it.
  • Stay away from toxic people, they give out only negative vibes.
  • Giving will make you happier. 

Wishing all readers a Happy and Healthy Life😊
Your Life Blogger,
Naureen C. 

Monday, July 1, 2019

Believe in Yourself

"Have you heard of the the saying Believe in Your Own Magic?"

"Do you know You are worthy of many good things in your life, You are capable to reach the sky, You are talented to set your aims and achieve your goals"
But you are only one step away to set these things into motion and for that you need to start believing in Your Own Magic. 

  • Remember everything in life starts from your Self Confidence, so till the time you don't appreciate yourself and be confident about a certain thing you won't be able to start stepping up the ladder of success.
  • Remember you are in competition with your own self and not with anyone else in this world. Therefore keep improving yourself every moment to win the competition. Don't compare yourself to others, understand that every individual is different. 
  • Never underestimate yourself. Learn from your mistakes, get up after you fall but never criticize yourself for those mistakes. 
  • Stay strong. Chase your dreams and keep Believing in Yourself.
Remember never to rush things, keep trying and trust the timings of your life. God has said: 'you work hard and leave the rest to me.'  So believe in yourself and keep working hard and if you don't see the desire outcomes, don't get dishearten, have patience. Keep appreciating yourself and encourage yourself to not give up.
Someday sooner or later you will see the outcome of all your patience, hard work, encouragement and confidence, because nothing worth having comes easy and you had a magic within you to achieve it.