, pub-5264095749887967, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Improving Oneself: December 2019

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Say NO to Negative Vibes

"You are too blessed to be stressed, my friend"

It’s that time in your life right now that you need to say it aloud  to your own self, 'NO to NEGATIVE VIBES.'
Negative vibes are those perception which are either emitted by the other person and which affects you or it is which we ourselves feel internally. Vibes are  classified into two distinct nature, Good and Bad Vibes. Remember positivity within yourself gives a boost to good vibes and negativity gets your life revolving only around bad vibes.
Negative vibes are felt by humans due to internal or external reasons and within which a person‘s life revolves.
"But who is the master of your life? Is it the people around you or you yourself?" 
"Of-course you are the master of your life and therefore you are the one to decide which vibe has to attract and enter into your life.

Life is too short to stress, to overthink and to be upset over issues.Remember you are the creature of God and God will not burden you with issues to a level which you can’t handle.Therefore have a positive attitude,learn to say No to negative vibes because good things in life come with positive attitude.

Here are some quick tips to learn in order to stick around the phrase, 'Say NO to NEGATIVE VIBES
  1. Love and Appreciate Yourself:  Loving yourself and appreciating every little thing about yourself matters in the long run. Your life starts from you and if you give yourself the positive emotions of love, self-respect and confidence you are going to lead a positive life and thereby you will be away from negativity. 
  2. Do not give up during tough times: Life is like a roller-coaster ride and ups and downs are part of life. Remember tough times don’t last, tough people do.Don’t let the negative emotions during these tough time drain you and instead gather the courage to face the situation and come out positively out of the tough phase.
  3. Spare few minutes daily to communicate with god: Spending time in prayers and communication with God generates a sense of positivity  in you because you pray to God with faith and therefore you are discarding all negativity around you for the moment and ultimately forever
  4. Do not compare yourself with others: Every human and every life is different in this world. You need to believe in your own-self always and never ever compare yourself to others because every life has a different story. Believe in yourself and improve yourself for better and in a positive manner rather than comparing yourself to others and bringing negativity within you.
  5. Practice gratitude every day: When you are feeling negative think of something you are grateful for and spare time for activities/things which makes you happy. You have to make time for the activities which you love and indulge yourself with your hobbies. Giving yourself time generates a positive bond with your mind and soul and you ultimately generate positivity within you and keep yourself away from negative vibes.
"Respond Less to Negativity and Life becomes more Peaceful"