, pub-5264095749887967, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Improving Oneself: ✨Identify the Real You✨

Friday, June 21, 2019

✨Identify the Real You✨

How well do you know yourself ?”
“Umm...I think I know my strengths, my weakness and ofcourse my aims in life”πŸ™ŒπŸ»

That’s it ?” πŸ™„
“Yeah..what else is needed for me to know myself better”πŸ™„

This sole thought that I know myself enough is the sole reason because of which you are not achieving your goals, not able to catch hold on your aims and this is the reason you think life is tough.πŸ™‚

The one requirement for every human to be happy in this world is for him to Indentify himself.πŸ’―

And how do you do it ?🀷🏼‍♂️🀷🏼‍♀️
So it’s gonna be simple for now just take a deep breathe, find a good corner in your room and close your eyes for next few seconds.πŸ•‘πŸ†—

The air around seems positive now. Your eyes, mind and heart are open and all set to grapse the next wordsπŸ’« 

The biggest favour you will do on your ownself is to not compare yourself with others, and that’s how you clear the first step of identifying yourself- i.e Making and maintaining your individuality✅

next is..,
Character:have a clear vision and don’t let your mind play double roles about your character, stick to the character you think fits best in this world and that makes you identify the kind of nature you possess.✅

Don’t let your strength become your pride and don’t let your weakness destroy you completely, find a mid way between these two attributes of yours and once you figure it out you have reached your destination where you control yourself because you know yourself better than before now.‼️😎