, pub-5264095749887967, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Improving Oneself

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Guidelines to live a good life.

It’s extremely important to follow a certain set of norms/rules/regulations in your own life.Even a smallest rule of your life can make big difference in your life. Similarly a regular habit in life can make changes to your overall personality.

Here are 6 important guidelines for you to follow to lead a good life.

• Guideline No.1 to lead a Good Life

It’s extremely important to understand a well known saying, ‘empty mind is a devil’s workshop. Whenever we are alone with yourselves, many of us tend to fall prey to negative thoughts in our mind with regards any aspect of our lives. Those thoughts may be purely unwanted and in the nature of being dangerous, saddening or in short negative.

Therefore remember to mind your thoughts well when you’re alone, think of good things in your life, plan for a positive life and try your level best to not let the negative thoughts overpower you.

•Guideline No.2 to lead a Good Life.

It’s extremely important to understand this guideline to maintain healthy friendships. Lot of times during friend’a get-together we all tend to target one pal or just make fun of everyone and everything around. During that time we do not realise that may be our words or sayings may be silently and unintentionally hurting someone amongst the people/pals present there. It’s a wise choice to mind your tongue while you are around your friends and in groups to avoid bitterness in hearts which can lead to unhealthy friendships.

•Guideline No.3 to lead a Good Life.

A good behaviour will always attract positive energy and keep you away from becoming a topic of societal gossips. When you’re in a group of 2 or more people you need to maintain your behaviour well. A gentle and kind behaviour will make people interact with you more as compared to behaving in ill-manner wherein people would prefer distancing from you. Therefore don’t forget to mind your behaviour while you’re around people.

•Guideline No.4 to lead a Good Life

It’s extremely important to understand the need of having control over emotions. Sometimes, emotions can play a negative role in your life and thereby create unwanted situations for you. Lot of people tend to fall prey to negative thoughts and related feelings while they are in trouble. Therefore remember when you are in trouble or in sad state of your life, learn to mind your emotions because if you manage it well you can handle yourself positively and come out of it soon. 

•Guideline No.5 to lead a Good Life.

When god starts blessing you, thank him enough for it and make sure you mind your ego and not disappoint god.

•Guideline No.6 to lead a Good Life.

It’s extremely important to have control on your anger, because in the state of anger humans usually tend to loose their right senses and that may lead to something which will only be regretful later. A moment of patience in a moment of anger prevents a thousand moments of regret.Therefore when you’re angry, mind your temper and learn to control it before time.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Take Life As It Comes.

“No one is perfect, 
Neither you nor your life” 

So does that means we should live a sad life with a notion that I am imperfect and so is my life?

NO, everyone of Us Deserve to live a Happy and Positive Life.

It’s extremely important for people to understand that it’s life and not a script which has been discussed, written and finalised. The reality is that your life journey has been written by god and it has all ups and down for you to ride because god knows already what is best for you. The ups that you ride are the times when your prayers, hard-work, patience and above all being a good human is rewarded and the down rides which you take may be for for ample reasons including the fact that god wants you to turn up to him, he wants you to realise wrong deeds and further he wants you to improve yourself positively.

So with this what do we basically understand here is that to Take Life As It Comes.

Life will neither be rough for you always nor will it be a smoothing ride, ups and down will always be a part of your life journey.

After understanding a journey it is always better to make a strategy to lead the way positively.

To Take Life As It Comes is the wisest choice you will ever make, because life as a journey isn’t in your hands always, sometimes it better to accept the journey and move on with it.

Here are some quick tips for you to learn to Take Life As It Comes:
  • Learn to accept the realities of life on time 
  • Learn to have patience 
  • Learn to have faith in your prayers 
  • Learn to make yourself believe that everything happens for a reason 
  • Learn to draw the thin line between your mind and heart, and therefore never take everything too deeply in your heart.
  • Learn to maintain your emotional balance
  • Learn to hold on to positivity 
  • Learn to avoid negative thoughts 
  • Learn to let go things, don’t hold on for too long 
  • Learn to Forgive and forget


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Maintain your Mental Health Positively.

“Creating a healthy mindset is an investment in your overall well-being.”

Viewing a negative situation in a positive light is an art which not many of us excel, and holding on to that negativity for long time can prove to be extremely dangerous to our well-being, both physical and mental.

Prioritising your Mental Health is the need of an hour today. 
Your entire life is depend on the way you think, the things that you think and the manner in which you react to those things. Everything starts and ends in your mind itself.
This proves how important it is to have a correct mindset to lead a happy life, and remember nothing is worth your mental health. 
The number of cases of people undergoing depression, anxiety, stress, suicidal tendency are increasing by passing time because people aren’t firstly aware of their bad mental health, later when they realise it they are clueless as to how can they improve their mental health and the rest just go with the flow of having disturbed mental health and ultimate they end up their lives.

It is extremely important to understand your mental condition and to maintain it positively.

Therefore here are some effective tips to take care of your Mental Health:

  • Hold on to your Conscious Mind: first and foremost thing that you should be doing while feeling low is to manage to hold on to your conscious mind, by which I mean you have to not let the unconscious mind and emotions carry you completely. You have to be conscious in a manner to distinguish between right and wrong. Consciously you will be in a position to realise that ending life is not the solution if you are done with your life issues, and instead it’s better to face them once and hope for positive outcomes. 
  • Take enough Sleep and Practice Meditation: At times when you feel that you are having a disturbed mental health, all what you need to do for that moment is to sit and meditate and try diverting  your mind, soul and body completely away from your life issues. It’s not easy to divert your mind but it’s not even that difficult that you can’t give it a try.  Meditation is said to be the best cure for time being for probably everything in this world. Gradually start practicing meditation daily, because it will not only improve your mental condition but it will also be effective for your physical health. Further, taking enough hours of sleep is also very important for maintaining your health positively.
  • Inhale fresh Air:  Along with meditation another natural remedy for safeguarding yourself from bad mental health is to daily intake the fresh air either at early hours of morning or in the evening. Fresh air tends to refresh your mood and it to an extent starts building positive vibes in you and you are then said to also be exhaling the negative vibes from your mind and soul.
  • Spend time with your family and dear ones: Family is said to be that group of people whose love for you is unconditional, by which I mean they aren’t expecting anything in return from you for the love and care they give to you. Anytime you are feeling low on your mental health, talk to your family members about it or if you can’t discuss it with them, sit and spend sometime with them. Spending a quality time with your family is going to give you sometime of peace in this fast growing world with lots of negative situations out of which you are into one of those situations. Further, do speak about your issues to a dear one if not to your family members, because keeping things within you for more time tends to lead you to the phase of depression, which can hit your mental health badly.
  • Avoid company of people giving you negative vibes: when you feel low and negative around a person or a group of persons quietly leave their company without thinking or discussing over it with them or anyone else. No one is bad in this world, it’s either their nature, way of thinking or anything related to them which goes negative with you, therefore without judging them quietly just move out of that company to safeguard your mental well-being.
  • Learn to Appreciate Yourself and the good things in your life: lot of times people don’t really sit down to think, realise and thank themselves for the good things that they have done and to realise their true blessings in different forms in their life. It is very important for a human to first appreciate himself, appreciate the good things in his life and then to deal with the rest. Having a good family, having a shelter, having a good physical health are itself a true blessing. When you appreciate yourself enough and appreciate the blessing in your life you are less likely to fall prey to negativity.
  • Indulge in activities which boosts your mind positively: It’s extremely important to do things that makes you happy and indulge in activities which gives you a positive boost. Doing things what makes you happy can also include cooking and eating what you like or indulging in any of your most favourite hobby. 
  • Do not victimise Yourself: victimising yourself  because of the negative situations you are into is not a solution to your issues. Do not pity yourself ever  because that act in return only makes you emotionally weak and worsens your mental health. As humans we are bound to make mistakes and no one is perfect, therefore learn from your mistakes which happened unknowingly and unintentionally and simply let it go.
  • Last but not the least piece of Advice, Always look forward to a positive future, and leave the past behind. 

Start taking care of your mental health before time, speak up before it’s too late.
It isn’t difficult to practice any of the above tips for maintaining your Mental Health.

I, myself practice all the above activities to maintain my Mental Health positively and I am sure of even you having positive results for the same.

We have a cabin crew Miss.Puja Vyas from Mumbai, India sharing her practices for taking care of her Mental Health, let’s read what she has to say about it, “ I Spend good time with my family and friends and talk to them regularly about how I feel, I also engage myself in activities that I love.”

Further, a corporate lawyer, Miss. Hemal Shah based in Mumbai, India has shared with me what she practices to maintain her mental health, she says that, “ In order to maintain my mental health, I watch a video of 30 minutes in the day for inspiration, more often or less, the constant output of energy is a must.

It’s never too late for new beginnings, so if you aren’t practising any activity to maintain your mental health positively, it’s time for you to start now.

Good luck.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Discover Your Core Identity

“Knowing Yourself is the beginning of all wisdom”

Are you Lost in the fast growing world ? 
Are You are Not able to decide your career ? 
Life seems upside down to you at the moment ? 
Take few minutes to sit down with calm mind and find your lost self by discovering your Identity.

Firstly Understand what does our Identity Blueprint means.
•We start with our Identity blueprint  around the age of 2-3 years.
• Between the age of 3-6 years we start to develop an identity for ourselves. 
•As we grow up to the age of 6-7 years old we start with the internal dialogues, we start to question things and that’s where our identity starts taking shape.
•We take things from our surroundings it helps us create an identity for ourselves.
•Our identity is mixed with who we are meant to be, our own thoughts and our surroundings.
•Further, at the age of 12-13 years we get an idea of who we are and what we are meant to be. We meet friends at school level, later at high school followed by workplace surroundings and we therefore keep developing our Identity.
In all this while we don’t give ourselves time to understand and know our own Identity. The truth is we don’t take time to discover who I was meant to be and how should I be living my life. 

Many people will tell you that you can’t change your Identity, you can’t change the identity with which you are born, but that’s all completely untrue. 
The fact is choosing our Identity is a conscious process as we take responsibility of our lives and therefore we can choose with what Identity with want to associate ourselves with. 
Remember We can change our Identity, we can choose parts of our Identity that we want to add in, what we want to be, what we want to do, or how we want to live our lives.

So for now take a deep breathe and take this small questioning session with Yourself  to Discover Your Identity.

Discover Your Core Identity by asking yourself 3 simple Questions:-

1) Who am I? 

Start your answer with ‘I am.....’ 
(for eg. hardworking, loyal, helpful)

2) What am I? 

Start your answer with ‘I am a ....’
(for eg. learner, lawyer, daughter) 

3) Life choice?

Start your answer with ‘I choose to Live with...’
(for eg. Dignity, Love, Respect)
After listing down the answers in 3 lists, compare and consider the lists to understand Your Core Identity, who you actually are, and whether you are living to those parts of your core Identity. 

Neuro-Linguistic Programme (NLP) is about changing the parts of ourselves that we don’t want, breaking or destroying  our limiting beliefs, it is about reframing our lives and is finally about creating something for ourselves i.e. Our Identity.

Your Life Blogger is also a Certified NLP Master Practitioner and Coach now, feel free to connect with me for more on this post or for any other discussion. 

Here to help you to lead a Positive Life. 

Best Regards.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Life Is A Roller Coaster Ride

My first Guest Post for got published on 29th April 2020, titled- ‘Life Is A Roller Coaster Ride. 

“Take life as it comes. Run when you have to, fight when you must, rest when you can.” – Robert Jordan

You can read my post via this link: